Monday, April 26, 2010

Digging Virginia Part 2

I left off yesterday with Lacey's Tick problem and how it turned out. What was really funny was on her MP3 guess what song came up? If you guessed Brad Paiseley's Ticks you are right! So now we have come to the second part of that evening. Which consisted of the Dayton Diggers raffle and Doug and Manny playing Bobby Flay and Chef Vitoli on the Grill. Good eats I might add. Beats me having to battle the camp stove after a hard day of digging in the Virginia dirt. Being tired...lord only knows what I might have burned off! Anyway on with it your saying right well ok here we go....

So we were all sitting around the camp fire waiting for the raffle to start and just talking and all that jazz. Nick was snapping pictures, everyone just chilling basically. Finally everyone that was participating in the raffle had arrived and it got underway.
Steve started it off by presenting Manny with a Gift of a Proof coin set and certificate for setting the Virgina Hunt up. We all applauded and of course you know we just had to razz him about getting us all lost.....TWICE. So after everyone got their jabs in on poor Manny we got on with the raffle. Nick and Suzanne (Webbie) cleaned house. Which was awesome. Mark did his "Hot Damn I won" dance, which could become a Dayton Diggers Signature happy dance move when we find a cool item.
There were alot of Steve's numbers called...hmmmm? Just kidding he donated items back when his number was called except for the Hat...He Really wanted that hat! In fact there were a few that donated back to the raffle which I thought was very awesome.
As I sat and watched and listened with hope of having my number called I couldn't help but look at this group of people and think how wonderful it was to be a part of it. We felt welcomed and part of the "family" so to speak.
As each number was called I could hear Lacey saying "dang it"....the kid wanted to win something so badly she could taste it. Then it happened,,,her number was called for a Garrett Ball cap and after all that anticipation all I heard from her was "Yessss"...she wouldn't even do Mark's happy dance lol. Of course the last time she tried to dance around a camp fire she stepped in a hole, twisted her ankle and almost fell in the fire. Guess it is better she just accepted her prize, smiled and said thank you and walked back and sat down. And then there is Aj. The poor kid, not only did he not find anything on the dig that day but nor did he win anything at the raffle. He came close by the difference of one number but as they say "close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades". Then the last item was up, the ticket was wasn't Aj's. Manny had the last winning ticket to win the finds pouch from minelab. Aj was very surprised when Manny said "I want to give that to the big guy in the dodge hat", so Aj got to walk up and claim his prize and you would have thought Manny had given him a pouch full of gold. He was grinning from ear to ear and he said "Looky here mom, I got a prize too". Thanks Manny for making Aj's day. I didn't win a raffle prize but seeing my kids enjoying themselves with everyone was reward enough for me.
So that was it for the Raffle. It was then on to more food. Everyone was eatting and talking and oh I forgot to mention earlier that Manny and Brandon had secured permission for us to hunt a different site the following day. It was 628 acres of land that was once home to Meriwether Lewis of Lewis and Clark. How awesome is that you say....Totally!!!!
We all were stoked about that. What were weren't to happy about was the fact that it was about to rain on our parade, literally.
Tim had been in contact with a friend of his off and all day and was keeping tabs on the weather heading our way. Storms, rain, more storms, and oh yeah more rain. Bummer. Anyway most of us decided that we would pack up in the morning and go to the site and then just go home from there.
But until then we would just enjoy the campsite and everyones company. So again there were those that were sitting around the campfire and others just hanging out. I decided I wasn't spending another night on a rock or pine cone so I moved into the jeep. Of course I ended up having to roll up the window due to all of flaculent quartets and solos being perfomed by the fire, I heard so many gassy emissions that I am surprised we weren't blown into next week. I think they were all trying to see who could fart the loudest, longest, and down right grossest sounding lol. I don't know, maybe they were trying to out do the croaking frogs at the pond. I bet if an areial photo had been taken that night there would be a green cloud over that section of the camp ground. No wonder the mosquitos didn't bother us that night. I'm sure they tried but fell dead in mid air when coming with in 20 yards of the site. You know what though, men can sit and break wind all day and night and nothing is said but laughter and comments like "whooo I ripped that one didin't I". But let a woman fart....and it's front line news in the Enquirer! With that said (and I'm sure there are those who wish I hadn't) come back tomorrow to find out how it all turns out.

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